Balázs | Budapest University of Techn & Economics Hungary |
Walraven | Delft University of Technology Netherlands |
Czoboly | Budapest University of Techn & Economics Hungary |
Bastien | Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada |
Beushausen | University of Cape Town South Africa |
Cervenka | Cervenka Consulting Ltd Czech Republic |
Clark | Ramboll United Kingdom |
Corres Peiretti | FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores Spain |
D’Arcy | The Consulting Engineers Group, Inc. USA |
Daoud | National School of Engineering of Sfax Tunisia |
Dehn | MFPA Leipzig GmbH Germany |
di Prisco | Politecnico di Milano Italy (I) |
Doniak | ABCIC - Associação Brasileira da Brazil |
El Barrak | ACTS Aresco Center Lebanon |
Eligehausen | IEA GmbH & Co. KG Germany |
Fardis | University of Patras Greece |
Foster | UNSW Australia Australia |
Ganz | Ganz Consulting Switzerland |
Gmainer | Smart Minerals GmbH Austria |
Guadagnini | University of Sheffield United Kingdom |
Helland | Skanska Norge AS Norway |
Kollegger | Technische Universität Wien Austria |
Maekawa | University of Tokyo Japan |
Mancini | Politecnico di Torino Italy |
Matthews | Building Research Establishment Ltd United Kingdom |
Matthys | Ghent University Belgium |
Menegotto | Sapienza Università di Roma Italy |
Monti | Sapienza Università di Roma Italy |
Müller | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany |
Muttoni | EPFL Switzerland |
Olsen | Dr. techn. Olav Olsen a.s. Norway |
Pielstick | USA |
Plizzari | University of Brescia Italy |
Prota | Universita di Napoli Federico II Italy |
Randl | Carinthia Univ. of Applied Sciences Austria |
Sakai | Japan Sustainability Institute Japan |
Sim | Hanyang University South Korea |
Stucchi | EGT Engenharia S/C Ltda Brazil |
Taerwe | Ghent University Belgium |
Toscas | PCI Prestressed/Precast Concrete Institute USA |
Zerbino | LEMIT Argentina |
Zhang | Southeast University China |
Zhao | Tongji University China |
Up to date technical information is needed to construct the best concrete structures. The newest information is necessary on material properties, design methods as well as construction methods, respectively. By recognizing its importance, the fib decided to create a separate commission on the dissemination of knowledge.
fib COM9, Dissemination of knowledge, develops, co-ordinates and uses appropriate means to disseminate the knowledge available within fib and the results of the work by its commissions and task groups. The various means of dissemination are detailed below. All of the fib commissions and task groups contribute, either directly or indirectly, through their activities.
fib courses deal with advanced knowledge on structural concrete in general or on specific topics. The
courses are conducted by experts from fib commissions and task groups and may last a few days or up to one week. Such courses have been held regularly since 2003 and include topics such as:
Further fib courses can be developed in any field of activities of fib commissions and task groups. The fib website includes an updated list of fib courses.
The fib has started offering one or two week courses during the summer in collaboration with universities; therefore, they are called “summer school”. Similar to fib courses, these summer school programs are organized for young (post-graduate) engineers and researchers. The courses are appropriate for engineers in practice and teachers in engineering schools of any level.
The fib website includes an updated list of fib summer schools.
Structural Concrete - Advanced Design of Concrete fib fib Bulletins 51, 52, 53 and 54, as well as 62. This second edition was an extensive revision that reflects advances in knowledge and technology over the past decade and presents the state of knowledge between MC1990 and MC2010. A new edition of the Structural Concrete textbook is intended to be prepared in order to reflect all of the developments incorporated within the fib MC2010.
A bulletin is planned to provide design examples and practical applications of MC2010 rules. This will be significant work will to further develop MC2010 applications.
The fib has a long tradition (dating back to CEB) of organizing PhD symposia in civil engineering. They are organized for PhD candidates who have already started their PhD research, but who have not yet submitted their theses. The intention of this special forum is to support young colleagues in proceeding with their research work and successfully defending their theses. The fib PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering is a very special series of symposia, which have the following characteristics:
COM9 intends to provide background support to the fib Structural Concrete journal, published quarterly, and to the fib bulletins prepared as a result of the various task group programmes.
Publication policy is one of the key issues within fib .
COM9 intends to take advantage of the most current technology for the dissemination of knowledge. This will be done in close cooperation with the fib headquarters in Lausanne.
All of the fib ’s commissions and task groups can offer fib courses on their activities as part of COM9’s dissemination of knowledge programme.
In addition to young (post-graduate) engineers and researchers, the courses are designed for engineers in practice and teachers in engineering schools of any level.
It is expected that several fib courses will be held per year, according to demand.
All of the pages on this website are the copyright of Hungarian Group of fib